Sunday, March 26, 2006

Who are you?

"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be the ones who can't read or write but the ones who can't learn, relearn and unlearn" -written by someone who I forgot.

Whenever I think of someone in my head, I always visualize their face especially when I am differentiating one person from another. But it doesn’t stop there sometimes. Sometimes I have to go further and recall their voice, gesture, name and other tangible features that I distinguish him/her by. Although it hasn’t happened in real life, what if what happened in the movie hot chick (rob Schneider) were to happen to my KLGO and some guy thug? Who is my gf Kath? Is she this old thug or is she still this young girl? Although this hypothetical event causes confusion, it is nonetheless an absurd thing to think about for some people because this doesn’t happen in real life. But I must contest that serious thought must be put into this for something similar, though not as exaggerating, does happen in real life.

An example that I can give is Terry Shiavo. Since Terry had her permanent accident back in the 90s, was she still the same person from that day until the day that they stopped feeding her or was it someone else or not a person at all? There will be more disagreements on the answer to this question compared to which one is my gf Kath since the exaggeration is not as great as that of the movie hot chick causing it to be more confusing. From a scientific point of view, terry should still be the same person. From a human point of view, it’s a little more confusing. Everything tangible about her (face, features, blood, bones genes) are still intact but the intangible things about her (characteristics, personality, humanity etc.) seem to disappear. From a scientific point of view, two identical twins are more similar (or more at one) than any other siblings but from a human point of view, two identical twins are as distinct as they are with their other siblings simply because the intangibles between them are still different.

Base on this premise, maybe we can narrow down the question on who you are to are you the tangible or the intangible? To my readers, I hope you give me your answers or thoughts to this. I will wait for your feedback and leave you with some quotes which conform with my opinion for now :)

"What is man? Man is a soul. What is a soul? A soul is a relation that reflects itself to itself." -Kierkegaard

"I think therefore I am." -Descartes

"Underneath this mask is a face. I am no more this face than I am the muscles beneath this face or the bones beneath this muscles." -V

"Beneath this mask is a flesh. Beneath this flesh is an idea. And ideas Mr. Creedy are bulletproof." -V

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Remember Remember The 5th of November

I saw an excellent film last night. A film that has enlightened my intelligence by showing me how a revolution can happen and moved me by inspiring me to the direction of idealism that as some say dies with age. The Wachowski bros, have done a really good job once again in this film. Every scene, every word, every happening and every moment in the film has relevance and so much time and effort were put into it. As a result, everything that happened in the film is connected not just within in the film but also outside the film into my life and yours. In short, everybody can relate with everything that happens in this film because it was so damn good (just like every beat of a music moves you).

I cannot help but think that the Wachowski bros are Christians. It is so obvious unless if i'm wrong. equations, mathematical laws, balanced equations, harmony in the form of an ordered society of a Totalitarian Gov't (which continuously and severely lies to its people), V, unbalancing the equation, there are no coincidence, V creating chaos by the principle of for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In the matrix it goes something like this as well: Architect, creating equations, balancing equations, harmony, order (in the form of deceiving the people), Oracle, unbalancing the equation (in the movie matrix, i do not believe that the oracle predicts and sees the future, her role in the movie is simply this, unbalancing the equation), there are no coincidence, creating chaos. According to the bible, the Devil is our father and ruler of this world (Christ said this. not me.), his (Devil) purpose at least in this world is to drive people away from God (the truth) by deceiving us and making us concentrate and spend our time on earthly things (continuously feeding us with lies), he is doing a good job at it (since people don't really spend time with God and feel independent of him) and so you can say that he has created his own harmonious and balanced equation. Then came Christ, who as he said has come in this world to turn every son/daughter against his parents, family friends and etc, creating a chaos to this perfect and balanced world. Again, when Christ came here 2000 years ago, he said he came here not to bring peace but to destroy. But this is another matter of discussion. Let's go back to the movie that i saw last night.

What happened in the movie was this, the chancellor through his own genius rose to power and absolute power by drawing up a grand plan. He created a biological warfare (biological warfare??? why don't i just replace it with the simple word virus) or other people did but he has the complete authority and power to it (it is said that in order to see a man's true character, give him power). He unleashed the virus into his own country instead of other countries causing so many deaths in his own country. As a result, people were AFRAID. That's when the gov't came in and took control of the country by military power because it was under a state of emergency. The gov't didn't stop there though. it fed the people with more lies by telling them how dangerous the world is becoming (with truths and lies) causing the people to be MORE AFRAID. Hence, you can see that it wasn't the virus nor the guns, nor the military that the chancellor used as his ultimate tool to gain power. it was fear (according to V). What V needed to do was find a way to take away that fear. He knows what he is after or what his aim is, taking away the fear. Thus, you know the effect that you want in the cause and effect principle but what is the cause for this? How do you trigger this? Go watch the movie! :)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

12 Years Ago

12 years ago was the probably the time i felt so free to do anything i want. it's not that i'm constrained by my family right now but rather it's because there was so much i could do back then that i couldn't do now.

I was the same and different as a person before. the same in a sense that i'm still me. Different in a sense of my behavior. i don't think i was ever as candid and extroverted as i was back then. nothing held me back before. i was a skater who bought a board for $170 canadian and skated a lot with a distant cousin and some other friends. my outfit before was an adult sized large shirt and size 38 pants/shorts. i remember the tricks that i used to pull. the ones that i can do pretty well are ollie up on a sidewalk, shove it and nollie. sometimes i can do kickflip but my skateboard would have to stand still. the trick that took me the longest to learn was jumping down 4 steps of stairs. it was a real pain learning all these tricks. my legs were full of blue and red spots. Aside from skateboarding, i did all kinds of other sports. more than what most students get to do in the philippines. Our PE composed of running, basketball, volleyball, hockey and dodgeball. During recess, we would play football and soccer (sometimes tackle football illegally). i was in the volleyball, basketball and track team back in elementary. we never really did well though. we were mediocre whenever we'd compete with other schools like vancouver college. Once in a year, our school would require us to attend skiing lessons. that i have to say is one of the best experience a person can get in a sport. imagine the thrill of rushing down a slope with all these majestical views of the sky above you and the city below you or sitting on a chairlift relaxing.

But even without all these things, there were still other little things i can do back in vancouver that i can't do here anymore :( the most i miss is when i'm bored in my house i would just go out and take a walk around the neighborhood and sometimes beyond it (night times were the best). sleeping over at a friend's house or having friends sleeping over at my house while watching saturday night live (i watched the versions that are even older than the classic SNL on ETC. 1992-1994 baby!).

Vancouver was a good city to me. it's the BBC (Beautiful British Columbia). Growing up in the West is a really fun experience for children since they have so much freedom but it can also be dangerous. Had i stayed longer, i would've been exposed to a lot of "naughty things" by 13 years old. i knew i was probably going to get into those "stuff" before i graduated elementary since i was very curious but before i had the chance to do so, i was brought back home to manila where i had to learn some discipline :)